The Class and the Reunion
That Saturday morning experience with “The Class” only serves to set us forth on our way. And what a journey of discovery it might prove...
Esoterica, anti-Masonry and the Scottish Rite with Arturo de Hoyos
In this interview, noted author, editor, and translator Arturo de Hoyos takes some time to discuss anti-Masonry, esoterica, and his work...
The Six Major Themes of the Scottish Rite
We often get so wrapped up in the minutia of the lessons which are taught in the Scottish Rite Degrees that it is easy to overlook the...
Crime of Passion – Lessons Carved in Stone
In Rosslyn Chapel, in Scotland, stands a memorial to the remarkable skill of the stonemason’s art. Called the Apprentice Pillar, it might...
Eight Steps to Excellence: The Observant Lodge
1 Guarding the West Gate This point is first among these, because we are nothing more or less than who we let in to our fraternity. Not...
Travis Simpkins: Interview with the Portrait Artist Taking Freemasonry by Storm
If you have a lot of Mason friends and follow various Masonic and related personalities, like I do, you for sure have noticed how profile...